You could say our family is like fudge;
nice and sweet... and full of nuts!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ok, I'm a slacker...

Ok, those of you who know me know that I have a little problem. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. So, when my sister told me on Tuesday that I was a terrible blogger because I've neglected my blogging duties, I was a little devastated and embarrassed that I hadn't done as well as I had hoped in this whole blogging adventure. My plan was to blog every other night, post pictures, and tell every cute little thing that happened to my family. Well, realistically, I think I've been lucky to post more than once a month. I can give excuse after excuse, but all in all, I just haven't done it. Period. Sorry, Ash. I'll try harder. I'm a slacker. There, I admitted it.


Ashley McKinnon said...

I knew it! I thought I was going crazy or that something was wrong with my computer! Turns out it's you! :)

It's alright, I still think you're the "best sister in the world!"

Jenessa said...

How rude!! I think your blog is great. If Madisen wasn't in school all day I wouldn't have even started one

About Me said...

Wait...I thought "I was the best sister in the world..." :) Wend, you can join the 'once a month blogger group' with me!

Christensens said...

Hello, I haven't talked to you forever. You are so busy with life that blogging is not your first priority.. I would love to see you.. Hope you are all well.
p.s. I would love to make you a header... Would that be ok?

The Scott Family said...

Hey....I've been a slacker too lately....and just started up again. All this pressure to keep up with all the blog junkies, huh? I don't's just too much. (= (just kidding)

The Buckingham Family said...

Hey Wendy,
Glad to have found you after all these years!
I don't get to see "Lehi people" as often living out of I guess blogging is how I get my fix!
Hope to keep in touch.
~Natalie Pugh Buckingham : )