The other day I was folding laundry and I noticed how quiet the house was. Oh, it was such a nice sound. I actually started singing a quiet little song to myself as I was enjoying the peace and quiet. Then it hit me. Khloe was somewhere in the house, and I could hear a pin drop. Something was just not right. So I went upstairs, calling her name. I saw the door to her room -- closed! I flung the door open, not sure if I would find permanent marker all over the wall, or bright red finernail polish all over the carpet. Instead, I found this:

She had stuffed her "my little pony" baby up her shirt. I guess she realized how tiring it is to be pregnant, so she made herself a little bed, laid down on it and fell asleep. She's our sweet little mommy who let's us know every day that she is "in charge."
Oh how sweet! So cute! I am glad to see that you arent slacking on your blogging duties anymore!
That is way too cute. I love it.
haha! that is so cute! how fun to have a lil' girl to! ;)
Aren't those just the sweetest moments! You just can't help but stand and stare at them when they are asleep and then they wake up!
Aren't you thankful that we have blogs so we think to grab the camara so we have pictures to go with the cute stories? This one is sooo precious!!!
You may not remember me but, I sure as heck remember you and your cute little Kade. I have the turtle he gave me up on a shelf where I see it every day and think of what a great time I had being his sunbeam teacher. I came across your blog and just had to say hi. Your family looks great And I cannot believe your baby is 4, man does time ever fly by.
Thanks for letting me spy,
Erin Short AKA the pea (in the blogging world)
She is so sweet. Isn't it fun to watch your kids sleep. Madisen talks to herself and Tanner snores. I love it!!
Khloe kills me! She sure took good care of Chaquita in Lake Powell :)
How cute!!! Is this what I have to look forward to now that I have a girl.....if so, I love it!!
Oh so cute. I hear you on the "I'm in charge" reminders, and the panic mode that sets in when you realize your kids are quiet for a little too long. Olivia is oh so very much in that stage. Isn't it awesome that they look so sweet when they are sleeping? :)
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