Well, I know school is about to start again, but we are on year-round school, so believe it or not, our kids just got out of school. At the end of the year the teachers and principal give out awards and both Kortnee and Kade got a couple. Steve and I were so proud of them. Kortnee got the "Library/Best Reader Award" for her 5th Grade class and Kade got the "Music Award" and the "Principal's Award" for his 2nd Grade class. They both did great this year and made the A-Honor Roll every semester. They also had great teachers who challenged them beyond their grade level so they didn't get bored in the classroom. They are both great

students and are excited to start school again real soon...in only 7 days!!!
Good job, Kortnee and Kade and good luck in 6th grade and 3rd grade!