We decided to live on the edg
e a little this fall and do, not one or two sports teams, or even three. We did four! How, you ask? Not only was Kortnee playing soccer, Kade was playing soccer and football. But, Kade was not only playing on one football team and one soccer team, he played on two soccer teams. Hence, I have one word to sum up the season...CRAZY!!!! We spent every Saturday this fall at the soccer/football fields from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. And I loved every minute of it!!!
Last week was the first Saturday that we didn't have games all day, and I really didn't know what to do with myself. I have to admit, I'm going to miss all the craziness running from game to game. Kortnee's team, the Celtic's were 5 and 3. They did great!
Kade just finished playing a tournament for team Eagles. They did great! They lost to the Lions, the best team in the league, but they did great! And this is their first year playing!!
Here he is scoring his first touchdown!!!