We went to an Arizona D'Backs game. For those of you who don't follow baseball, they are a professional baseball team in Phoenix. They have a huge indoor air-conditioned stadium. (I guess in Phoenix you would have to have air-conditioning!) It was amazing! Steve, being a CFO and a big Finance guy with $$$ signs always going through his head wanted to see the power bill for that place. We had hot dogs and tons of cotton candy and left with lots of souvenirs and tummy aches. What more could you ask for?
Here are some of the memories we made. We can't wait to go back.
We also went to the Mesa Temple. It was beautiful. I had never been to Phoenix or Mesa, so I was surprised to see orange trees growing on the grounds of the temple! It was beautiful. Much greener and prettier than Vegas, I must say. There is nothing like grass. I wish we had more of it here. Here are more photos of the family, with Khloe doing her famous poses. We're not sure if she is going for "America's Next Top Model" or what. She practices daily in the mirror.