Well, I know school is about to start again, but we are on year-round school, so believe it or not, our kids just got out of school. At the end of the year the teachers and principal give out awards and both Kortnee and Kade got a couple. Steve and I were so proud of them. Kortnee got the "Library/Best Reader Award" for her 5th Grade class and Kade got the "Music Award" and the "Principal's Award" for his 2nd Grade class. They both did great this year and made the A-Honor Roll every semester. They also had great teachers who challenged them beyond their grade level so they didn't get bored in the classroom. They are both great

students and are excited to start school again real soon...in only 7 days!!!
Good job, Kortnee and Kade and good luck in 6th grade and 3rd grade!
It's cuz their parents are so awesome and they are just naturally brilliant! Good job guys! I think I got the "can't sit still and won't stop talking award."
Yeah, well I got the "Too Explosive Award" from Mrs. Raby my German Teacher and the "Most Creative Note-passer Award" from Mr. Jacobsen!
cute blog! I saw you on the scotts blog.
Congrats to Kade and Kortney! They are awesome kids! I can't believe school will be starting soon! I know these past few days of summer have just flown by! Ha!
In response to the comment you left on my blog I would love to be on your list. That's how we find lost connections! You've done a great getting your blog together. I feel like I know you better already from the relatable stories you've shared. BLOG ON!
hi, I found your blog and I love it. I am really new to blogging and I think it is so cool. That is so exciting about your kids -- its nice to get awards and way to go Kortney -- she is such a great girl -- it was a pleasure to know her in Activity days. Eliz
So it only took me 3 times to spell khronicles. That was as bad as Cavalieri. Well I gotta go start drinking water so that I don't dehydrate on Saturday. See you there!
Wendy I found your blog quite by accident. I love it! What a darling family you have. It will be fun to keep up with you! eevansfamily.blogspot.com
Hey Wendy! I love your blog! I am just starting ours and adding you to it! ;) See ya soon!
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