You could say our family is like fudge;
nice and sweet... and full of nuts!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Khloe!!!

Wow. It's official. I'm old. My baby is 4! Khloe had a great birthday and despite a few little temper tantrums and attitude adjustments, she had a great day. Here she is in all her 4-year-old super-model-posing glory!


Ashley McKinnon said...

Have you had the previous posts posted for a while? The last one I saw was the school awards. No wonder I thought you sucked at blogging. I thought the last time you blogged was then. Weird??? I'm glad to hear about your fun and exciting lives! SYTYCD was fun!

Nicole said...

Has it really been four years since you guys moved in to mission hills ward and were pregnant? Holy Moly. Time Flies. See you saturday.

My Life's Journey said...

Khloe is only about a week older than Damien!!! I hope she had a great birthday!!!