The other day I was folding laundry and I noticed how quiet the house was. Oh, it was such a nice sound. I actually started singing a quiet little song to myself as I was enjoying the peace and quiet. Then it hit me. Khloe was somewhere in the house, and I could hear a pin drop. Something was just not right. So I went upstairs, calling her name. I saw the door to her room -- closed! I flung the door open, not sure if I would find permanent marker all over the wall, or bright red finernail polish all over the carpet. Instead, I found this:

She had stuffed her "my little pony" baby up her shirt. I guess she realized how tiring it is to be pregnant, so she made herself a little bed, laid down on it and fell asleep. She's our sweet little mommy who let's us know every day that she is "in charge."