I still think of myself as a brand new mom. And because of this, there are often times when I am not quite sure how to parent. When I find myself in those situations, I always say to myself
"Self, you're new at this parenting thing. What do you expect? Just be patient and someday you'll get it." Unfortunately, I've been kidding myself. It's been 11 1/2 years and I really should know what I'm doing. I guess I'm just a slow learner. :)
Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand. I never thought the day would come. But it did. My little baby Kortnee, the one that I just barely gave birth to a few short years ago, started MIDDLE SCHOOL! It just blows my mind. Fortunately, at the end of the day, she LOVED it. She finally admitted she was a little nervous. It was really cute because she was acting cool and seemed to be handling things very well, but as I dropped her off at the school, she turned to me and said, "Ok, Mom. I'm scared to death!" I pulled myself together and said, "Kortnee, you are going to do great! You know where all of your classes are and you have your map. Just go in there and do your very best! And don't be afraid to ask questions!" Then she got out of the car, and walked in and... I lost it! I cried and cried. It was like the first day of Kindergarten all over again. Why is it that the kids are always braver than the parents?
Kade started 3rd grade. He did wonderful. Kade has a way of adapting so easily to any situation. He has no fear of anything! He loves his new teacher, Mrs. Martin and his classmates. He starts GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) in a couple of weeks. He goes three times a week to an accelerated class where they learn more challenging ideas and subjects. Hopefully he will enjoy it. He is a good kid and we never have to worry about him in school. I did shed a tear for him too. I just can't believe how big they are getting and how fast they grow. Just yesterday he was my little guy who would say "Mom, maybe I should stay home from school today because you'll just miss me too much." Sadly, he doesn't say that anymore.
Khloe, well, she doesn't start school for another couple of weeks. I was tempted to ask Mrs. Martin if she would take a three-year-old this year. Then I thought maybe she could pass as a 1st grader. Not so. Guess I'll just have to wait. She'll start ABC Etc. and go MWF from 12:15-2:30. Hmmmmm.........whatever will I do with all that time?
Things I love!!!!
14 years ago